Retailer Help/FAQ
How can I carry Sansae Art Gift products in my store?
You can carry any Sansae Art Gifts product line by registering as a retailer on, and you can carry a range of other Sansae Art Gift products by contacting our licensees who manufacture them. You can see a listing of our licensees that sell to independent stores by clicking here, and a full listing of all Sansae Art Gift licensing partners by clicking here.
Who can order wholesale from
Shop owners and online retailers who possess a Retailer's GST Registered Number.
What is Sansae Art Gifts?
Sansae Art Gifts is their very own independent line of greeting cards, prints, coasters, and more, printed entirely in Canada and available to fans and retailers alike at As a iartist moving into the realm of licensing, many of the products featuring Saeed's art will actually be manufactured and distributed by a number of other companies who will hold licensing agreements with Sansae Art. The Sansae Art Gifts product line is entirely in-house-- designed, manufactured and distributed by Saeed himself.
Do you have minimum order requirements?
We do. It is dependent on the product you are choosing to order. However, our goal is to get our products out the people and we believe there is always a way to make a partnership work.
Can I carry any other Sansae Art Gifts' items in my store besides the in house line?
Yes! Saeed will be licensing with a number of wonderful companies who will produce a wide range of super-cute Sansae Art products, many of whom sell to independent stores. If the licensee appears on our list of licensees on our website then we encourage you to carry those items as well. This list of licensees can be found here.